My mission is to provide the resources, skills and healing that healers need.

I celebrate all who have committed themselves to the path of healing. I know it can be a lonely experience and one where we are consigned to the fringes, even in spiritual communities. Visionary healers have always lived on the edges of their world – this is where we do our most powerful work. I honour our place in the liminal realms, but I don’t believe it should leave us out in the cold.

This is the place to find transformational tools and restorative resources for all visionary healers, spiritual seekers and magical practitioners.

Healing for healers

Visionary healers and magical practitioners need collaborative work with someone who understands our world.

We need a foundation of regular practice to keep us grounded and strong in our path, but most systems are not expansive enough to contain our unique magic.

We need nourishment and support for that most essential aspect of the healer’s work:
self healing.

Explore powerful healing for healers.

Skills for healers

We are blessed with strong intuition and vision that stretches beyond the formulaic constraints of some healing modalities.

Healing is a creative art and I believe that finding our own way as a healer is essential to claiming our power.

But intuition and creativity are nothing without skill and deep understanding. To be great we need to be skilful and grounded in knowledge.

Explore essential training for healers.

Songs & stories that heal

Today we tend to come together for workshops, retreats and ceremonies. They are beautiful – sometimes ecstatic – but visionary healers have an innate yearning for older ways of communion.

Storytelling and intuitive singing call to an ancient memory in our bones, of gathering round the fire to listen to the mythic and the ethereal. There we can find ourselves.

We can soothe our souls and find our deepest healing in story and song.

Explore songs and stories that heal.